Monday, December 10, 2018

How to Make an Impossible Goal Possible

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, our thoughts can’t help but turn to what 2019 will bring. 

Whether you’re a fan of resolutions for the new year, or like many, have given up the tradition since it seems like the surest way to not accomplish something is to make it a new year’s resolution, it’s human nature to want something more and better in the coming year.

Even if you’ve sworn off resolutions, this is a good time to start thinking about your goals for 2019.

If you’re really looking for a better year, it’s all up to you to make it happen. 

But to do so, you’re going to need to make some definite decisions about what you want, and a plan to get there.

Rather than just talk about your “ordinary” goals, today we’re going to focus on those goals that perhaps have been in the back of your mind for years, but each time you think about it, they seem too big to tackle.

Fortunately, those goals are possible, if you just approach them the right way.

Let’s look at the four steps you’ll need to take to bring a seemingly out of reach goal to reality.

1. Set the Intention

Stop thinking, “that would be great, but . . .” when it comes to your big goal. 

Yes, big goals often take longer, but the time is going to pass anyway. 

Set an intention in your mind to make the goal a reality, and then write it down on paper.

Then see yourself five years in the future, and congratulate yourself for committing to that goal and to seeing it through. 

If you’ll set aside any skepticism for a minute and take yourself five years into the future (or however long your goal may take), your five-years-from-now self will realize the goal wasn’t impossible at all, and was definitely worth the wait.

2. Start With the Possible

In a society where we can have food delivered to our door in under 30 minutes and virtually anything delivered overnight with Amazon Prime, waiting for what we want can be challenging.

If we can’t get it now, we turn our focus to something we can get now. 

And you can do this with your goals without having to sacrifice the big ones.

Think about your first apartment or house you had as an adult. You likely had a picture in your mind off what kind of house you’d like to live in “someday.” 

And yet you knew that just starting out, your first place to live would be less than your ideal place.

Obviously, you didn’t let that stop you. Most of us haven’t chosen to live with mom and dad until we can afford some version of our dream home!

This same logic should apply to your big goal.

Let’s say you dream of having a six-figure business that allows your spouse to choose his work without regard for the pay, and that allows you to make decisions for your family that are free from financial considerations.

But if you have no business right now, or one that struggles to make one figure, the temptation to put that six-figure dream to rest can be strong.

The logic in dismissing that dream however, makes about as much sense as deciding to live with your parents until you can afford a six-figure home. 

Start with what you can do now. And maybe that’s just getting set up and making your first sale.

Remember that each six-figure business that exists today, started with one sale.

Take your “impossible” dream and break it down to one thing towards that dream that feels “possible” to you.

3. Track and Adjust

Once you’ve defined your “possible,” you’ll want to break that down into daily actions so you can track your progress.

If your possible is setting up a business and making one sale, and that’s all you write down, you’re going to look at that a month from now and think, “Hm, I haven’t done that yet.”

Write down each step you need to take and figure out how long you think it will take you to get to that point of first sale.

That way at the end of each day and each week you can look at where you are, what you’ve done, and whether you’re on track.

If not, you can adjust things. Maybe what you thought would take 30 days will really take 60. Or maybe you need to adjust how you work so you can accomplish more. 

If you’re tracking yourself daily and weekly it will keep you from getting in that position where a month — or more — goes by and you suddenly realize you’ve made no progress.

4. Selective Accountability

Accountability is an interesting thing. All the research shows you’re much more likely to achieve a goal if you have someone holding you accountable.

Yet sharing your goals with others can be an unpleasant experience. 

Many times those closest to you will rain on your parade with their own self-limiting beliefs. 

“Why would you want to do that?” 

“Why don’t you just get a job?” 

“Those things never work!” 

“You don’t have time for that!” 

And the list goes on. . . Some people can be a liability when it comes to ensuring your goal achievement. It’s best to keep quiet when talking to those types.

Find someone you know will be supportive and ask her to help you be accountable. 

This can be a friend or family member, but it’s best if they’re like-minded and really believe in you and your goal, rather than just someone who will be supportive in the absence of any real belief in what you’re doing.

If your goal is a business goal, it might serve you best to find a fellow online entrepreneur who has a similar goal and team up with her for regular accountability check-ins.

If you need some accountability help, Kids Party Characters is here for you. Owner Cheryl Jacobs started her first business as a single mom with two young children and a desperate need to provide for them.

Since those early days, Cheryl’s had a hand in starting 10 different businesses and has developed a passion for helping other entrepreneurs cut down the learning curve and start their own profitable businesses.

In the spirit of helping those closest to her heart -- moms with a lot of desire to have their own business, but not a lot of time to figure it all out -- Cheryl’s created a special membership with Kids Party Characters that allows you access to all the tools she’s used to build a successful business.

With membership, you’ll get your very own Kids Party Characters business, including an exclusive territory in which to book parties, and access to our 200+ costumes, acting coach, and casting director. 

You’ll also get step-by-step instruction on how to set your business up for quick success, which means no prior entrepreneurial experience is required.

Learn more by scheduling a no-pressure chat with Cheryl right here, where she’ll answer all your questions and give you the details on getting started.

Want to learn more about Kids Party Characters? Join us on Facebook for daily updates about the magic we bring to children’s parties, as well as our best strategies from working from home while raising happy and healthy kids.

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