Monday, March 18, 2019

Hurry -- This Happens Today!

Today you have a rare opportunity to get some in-depth training from Kids Party Characters owner, stay at home mom, and serial entrepreneur Cheryl Jacobs.

Take just a few seconds right now to sign up for this value-packed free training where Cheryl will reveal her best advice on how to build a successful business while being a stay at home mom.

As a regular reader of our blog, you've likely noticed that we talk a lot about the importance of mentorship when you're first starting out in business, or are looking to generate a full-time income from your business.

More than any course you can buy, podcast you can listen to, or seminar you can attend, personal mentorship will be the one thing that gets and keeps your business in profit the fastest.

And this fact is precisely the reason that Cheryl's decided to go live at 12:00 noon, Eastern Time, today and reveal to you some secrets that have likely been holding you back from starting a business, or from having success with your business.

Among other things, you'll learn in today's webinar:

  • Why your time is now, and how you are actually ready to be an entrepreneur even if you have some doubts that have been holding you back.
  • How to break through the "I don't have time" excuse that all moms have for not realizing their dream of business ownership, and where you can easily find the time.
  • How to get started today, and set your foot on the step-by-step path of least resistance to a successful business.
Why Cheryl?

At Kids Party Characters, we're moms too, which means we know at least two things about you. First, your time is precious and you have zero time to waste. 

And second, when you get interested in starting your own business, you have a nearly limitless amount of people that are vying for your attention, claiming to be able to teach you the best, easiest, fastest way to build a business.

So, why should you choose to listen to Cheryl Jacobs and give up an hour of your time today to be on this special training?

It's normal, and even healthy, to have doubts and wonder if this will be just another webinar where some money-hungry entrepreneur tries to sell me something that won't even work for me.

There's a lot of that going around, which is another reason Cheryl's decided to do this valuable training.

Unlike much of the advice you'll see floating around out there, you won't get a bit of "theory," or mumbo jumbo on the fanciest funnels and tricks that are supposedly working for "everyone" right now.

Cheryl provides 100% practical, tested, tried-and-true advice based on exactly what she's done not only with Kids Party Characters, but with all 10 of the businesses she's had a hand in starting. 

And, she knows her stuff. Cheryl's gone from single mom of two kids living off the generosity of the local church's food pantry, to a successful entrepreneur who was honored by P.O.W.E.R. with a huge billboard in Times Square (yes, the one in New York!), recently appeared on the cover of Soul Central magazine, and is an Amazon best-selling author with her book Escape from Darkness Into the Enchanted.

And most importantly, Cheryl's not going to set out a plan that's impossible for you to follow. Remember, she did all this as a single mom herself, and is now living her passion of sharing her "how to" with other moms who want to stay home with their children.

Who's This Webinar For?

This webinar is designed for all kinds of moms. So whether you've just had a distant thought in the back of your mind that "someday" you'd really like to start a business, or whether you've been actively trying to get your business off the ground, what Cheryl has to share with you today will push your business dream into the reality stage.

And if you've already started a business, but aren't seeing the results you'd like or need to see, this webinar is for you too. Cheryl can clear up many of the misconceptions and confusions that exist and get your business headed in the right direction.

And finally, even if you're not a mom, or your kids are grown, if you've struggled with finding the time or knowing the right steps to get started, you'll find the answers you need on today's free training.

One more thing, it's also worth noting who this webinar is not for. Cheryl didn't wake up rich one day. It took a lot of hard work and consistency. If you're looking for a magic button or a guaranteed solution to $10K in 30 days, this is not the place for you.

Cheryl's used good old-fashioned work and persistence to get where she's at, and if you want to build a lasting business, she's got the formula to show you how to experience the same financial freedom she has. 

Yes, you'll have bumps in the road and times that things don't fall together exactly as you'd planned, but what Cheryl has for you today will dramatically reduce the learning curve if you'd decided to go it alone, and will give you the push you need to start now and confidently know that you're on the right path.

Reserve you seat today and commit to being on the webinar live, as that's always the most valuable way to take in the information and get your questions answered. We do understand life happens though, so even if you have a conflict, register for the webinar today and we'll send you a replay link so you don't miss out.

Commit to making this training the one thing you do for yourself today and it could be your first step to a life of time and financial freedom for you and your entire family that you've only dreamed was possible until now. 

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