Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Owning Your Own Business May be Easier Than You Thought

As a stay at home mom, you may feel like you don’t have time to start a business of your very own. Or at least that you don’t have time to start a profitable business.

And before the internet, this may have been true.

But today, everyone does everything online. Including shopping.

As a stay at home mom, this opens up a world of opportunities for you to transform into a work at home mom. Online business opportunities today allow you to work from the comfort of your home, and around the schedule of your children. 

Your Most Valuable Business Asset

Before we talk about your online business opportunities, let’s go back for a minute and talk about traditional “brick and mortar” businesses, since you may be more familiar with how they’re run.

When you think about what a store owner’s most valuable asset is, several things may come to mind. 

Their inventory? Without it, they wouldn’t have a business.

Their physical shop? Most people wouldn’t do very well trying to sell their goods on a street corner.

Their location? Being at the intersection of the busiest streets in a big city has to favor someone who’s located on a county road just outside a small town, in most cases.

Their employees? Customer service is king these days, and people who know how to sell can potentially double and triple your sales.

While all these things are clearly important, none of them mean anything if you don’t have customers.

And even better than customers are loyal customers. 

If you’re a pizza shop, the more people who have you on speed dial for every time they want pizza, the easier your life is.

Same holds true if you’re a clothing store, drug store, furniture store . . . being someone’s automatic choice when they need what you sell is the best thing that can happen to your business.

It’s always easier to generate more revenue from existing customers than to hustle up new customers.

What This Asset Means in Your Online Business

One of the most exciting things about having a work from home business is that running your business online means you can have that tribe of loyal customers sitting right there on your computer, accessible to you at any time with just the stroke of a few keys.

It’s called an email list, and it’s the online business owner's most valuable asset. 

Here’s how it usually works. You offer people who are interested in your product or service something for free in exchange for them giving you their email address. This could be a video, audio, PDF e-book, check list, quick start guide, the possibilities are limitless.

The free gift you offer people just has to be something they value. If you’re a furniture store, it could be an e-book called “7 Tips for Selecting Furniture that Will Last a Lifetime,” for example.

You’ll also add current customers, and anyone who comes to you with an interest in your product or service, to your email list. 

The service you’ll use to manage your email list is call an autoresponder. With your autoresponder, you can type an email, press send, and it goes to every person on your list.

I hope you’re seeing the possibilities here. You can use your list to grow your tribe of loyal customers. Some of your emails will be “getting to know you” emails.

Others will give valuable information that establish you as the expert in your market. And others will sell your product or service, or a related product or service the people on your list would be interested in.

What this means for you is that once you have an established list, you could sit down at the computer, bang out an email, and make hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars from simply hitting send. 

Suddenly it seems that you just may have time to be a work at home mom!

I’m not saying any of this is easy. It does take work to get up and going. But it’s work anyone with enough desire can absolutely do. 

And, once you’ve put everything in place, your list does start building itself and many days you’ll find that your business is easy.

How Kids Party Characters Can Help

Kids Party Characters owner, Cheryl Jacobs, has recently decided to share the good fortune her work from home business has brought into her life. She’s doing this by offering a limited number of licenses to people who would like their own Kids Party Characters business.

Having a license, or membership, with Kidspartycharacters.com means you’ll have an exclusive territory to book parties, the right to use all Kids Party Characters costumes, access to our casting director and coach to hire your actors, and business training and support from Cheryl and her entire team.

The beauty of this opportunity is that it takes the bulk of the work out of starting your own work from home business. You don’t need to go through any of the effort of starting your own company. It’s all right there for you. 

Which means you can start building your email list of loyal customers today.

And, one of the great things about Kidspartycharacters.com is that it’s a business that lends itself to repeat customers. After that first successful party, you’ll be the go-to person for all of your client’s party planning.

Not only that, but party guests will ask the host for your name, and your client will naturally drop your name whenever they have a conversation with anyone about hosting a party. 

Want more information? Head over to Kidspartycharacters.com and book a call with Cheryl to learn more about whether this could be the right work at home business for you.

Also connect with us on Facebook to see how fun and rewarding having a Kids Party Character business is.

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