Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Why a Work From Home Business May Not Work For You

Having your own work from home business is really glamorized by those who successfully do it. Photos of big houses, fancy cars, and exotic vacations accompany stories claiming, “I only work 2 hours a day and can do my work from anywhere in the world.”

The laptop lifestyle is real, no doubt about it. The rewards your work from home business can reap are life-changing for you and your family.

But, and here’s a very big but, getting there isn’t easy. It’s one of those things that is fairly simple, but by no means easy.

Let’s be realistic. If just anyone could fire up their computer one day and have it churning out money the next with a couple hours work, and do this consistently, then everyone would be doing it. 

The stories you hear and see from successful home based business owners are without a doubt the highlight reel of their lives. 

While these stories are definitely worth being told, they leave out a few things you need to know if you’re thinking about starting your own work from home business.

So, before you jump into your new venture with both feet, let’s make sure you’re not setting yourself up for failure. There are three things you’ll need to have to get started.

1. A Burning Desire: You’re going to have to really want this. One of the biggest reasons people fail is they go in thinking, “Oh, I think I’ll try XYZ business and see if it works.”

Guess what? Provided that you’re going into a reputable business, it will work if you do.

But in the beginning at least, you’re not going to be able to treat your business like a weekend hobby.

You must go into your business with a burning desire to make it work. A commitment to doing the work that will lay the foundation of something that will be life-changing for you, your family, and the clients your business serves.

This is not to say you have to eat, sleep, and breathe your business 24/7. It has nothing to do with the time you put into your business. It’s about the commitment to putting in the time and effort needed. And whether that’s 2 hours a day or 8, is irrelevant.

The first thing you should ask yourself about your new business venture is, “How bad do I want this?” If in response, you feel a burning desire to make it happen, you’re good to go.

2. Thick Skin: Your new business is going to come with its ups and downs. Preparing yourself for this will make it easier to weather the downtimes.

One of the first things you’ll likely have to deal with is the doubters. Friends, family, acquaintances who will say things like, “Why would you want to do that?” Or, “My friend’s brother’s girlfriend tried that and lost $10,000.”

You must ignore these people. Realize that their doubts are a self-refection of what they believe their abilities to be, and have not a thing to do with you.

Some will question how you’ll take care of your children and may even suggest you’re a less than perfect mom for letting this venture distract you from your mom duties. 

Don’t engage these people. You can’t win. You’re doing this for your family, so that you can provide better for them. And yes, you may be giving up a little in the beginning, but the gain will be more than worth it as your business grows.

The best way to thicken your skin around any criticism is to hang out with like-minded people. As you start your business you’ll begin to meet people who “get it” just like you do. These are the people you’ll talk about your business with and spend your time around.

You’ll also need to have thick skin to endure failure along the way. Your ads won’t always work, a customer will cancel, another will complain. 

There will be times that it feels too hard and you’ll wonder if you should just quit before you completely fail and prove all those doubters right.

Hang on through these times. The perceived failures are just lessons in how to do things right. Keep going. And again, turn to that support network you’re building of others who are navigating the same storms.

3. Discipline: This one can be tough, but fortunately it’s one that you have a little room to practice and get better at. You’re going to have to make yourself consistently find time for your business.

If you go into it thinking you’ll work on your business when you have time, you’ll never work on your business. Think about how much extra time you currently have in your day. I’m betting it’s not a lot.

The good news is, that’s okay. You don’t even need more time in your day. You simply need more discipline.

Which means you need to schedule your work hours and stick to your schedule. You may feel like it’s okay to stop for a minute and switch out the laundry, but not while you’re working on your business it’s not. Do it before you put yourself on the clock, or after. No exceptions.

A great number of people who intend to start a home based business never even get far enough to fail at it. They simply just never get it off the ground because they didn’t have the discipline to put a little work into it each day.

And the Good News Is . . .

The intent here is not to fill you full of doom and gloom, but merely to give you a little dose of reality. 

If you go into your business prepared to conquer some of these early hurdles that cause many people to fall down and never get back up, the road to success in your business will be much easier. 

Of course, if you’ve read this far and are thinking, “This just isn’t for me,” then you’ve saved yourself a lot of time and trouble. Undoubtedly, owning a home based business isn’t for everyone. Especially when you have the additional responsibility of raising children.

But if you’ve read this far and think you have what it takes, the good news is KidsPartyCharacters.com has an opportunity that takes much of the hard work out of starting your own business.

KidsPartyCharacters.com owner Cheryl Jacobs has been through all the ups and downs of a business startup, which is why she’s decided to do what she can to make things easier for you.

Cheryl is offering a limited number of licenses that allow you to have your own KidsPartyCharacters.com business. With a license, or membership, you’ll have access to all of the 200+ Kids Party Characters costumes, an exclusive territory in which you can book parties, and access to our casting director and acting coach.

On top of that, you’ll get business training from Cheryl, and ongoing support from her and the entire team at KidsPartyCharacters.com. You’ll find this support crucial during those moments when your skin doesn’t feel so thick or your discipline is waning. 

Want to learn more about this opportunity? Book a friendly, no-pressure chat with Cheryl on our website and she’ll help you decide whether this is the right business for you.

Be sure to connect with us on Facebook too, where you’ll see many examples of how rewarding your KidsPartyCharacters.com business can be.

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