Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Special Gratitude Offer From Kids Party Characters

With the holidays in full swing, we've been talking a lot about gratitude lately here at Kids Party Characters, as you've probably noticed.

We've talked both about the importance of instilling an attitude of gratitude in our kids, as well as how gratitude helps develop strong and loyal relationships with customers.

Today we're going to take a little behind the scenes look at why gratitude should be something more than just a tradition, and tell you about a special discount we're offering to Kids Party Characters customers and supporters that will motivate you to book your next party today, no matter how far off it is!

The Science of Gratitude

Naturally, there's a lot of talk about being thankful and having gratitude around the Thanksgiving holiday because that's the whole purpose of the holiday, as is apparent from its name.

But other than the fact that you're suppose to focus on being thankful during Thanksgiving, and other than the fact that it's "nice" to say thank you to people and to appreciate what you have, what's the big deal about gratitude?

In recent years there's been an explosion in the scientific community of studies on happiness. Everyone wants more of it, and researchers are looking at how to get it.

Without exception, such studies show that when we express gratitude, it makes us happier.

Why? Studies reveal that when we consistently keep track of things we're grateful for, it stimulates two key areas in the brain, the hypothalamus and the ventral tegmental area.

The hypothalamus regulates our stress levels, and the ventral tegmental area is integral to the brain's reward system that produces feelings of pleasure.

So focusing on gratitude can reduce our stress and make us feel better.

Various studies have shown that the good feelings produced by practicing gratitude can improve relationships, physical health, sleep, self-esteem, and mental toughness.

Gratitude practice can also give us more empathy and compassion, and make us more generous and less aggressive.

Kids Party Characters is Grateful for You

At Kids Party Characters, we have a lot to be grateful for. Owning your own business that allows you to spend your time and make your living by putting smiles on children's faces is pretty much a dream come true.

As we think about how grateful we are, of course one of the first things that comes to mind is that we wouldn't be here without you.

Whether you're a client who's booked parties through us in the past, or someone who supports us by reading our blog and/or following us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or are a fan of our podcast, we want to take a moment to publicly thank you today for being a part of Kids Party Characters.

As a show of our appreciation for you, Kids Party Characters owner, Cheryl Jacobs, is offering all of our supporters a special discount when you put down a deposit on your next party before the end of the year.

When you decide the date for the party, you'll then receive either a 15% discount off the package you choose, or a free upgrade to the next highest package.

Even if you don't need us for months, simply put down your deposit today, and you'll receive the 15% discount or free upgrade when it's party time.

Head over to our website at, where you'll discover that with over 200 of the most popular characters to choose from, we'll have just the right one no matter how many times your child's favorite changes between now and her party.

When you call to book your party, be sure to mention the discount you're entitled to as a Kids Party Characters supporter.

Thanks again for letting us entertain your children, and for all of your comments, feedback, and input. We're always working on ways to serve you better and to bring even more joy to your child's next party.

Stay tuned to the blog and make sure we're connected on Facebook where you'll get daily updates on all the happenings at Kids Party Characters, as well as our best strategies for working at home and raising happy and healthy kids.

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