Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Princess Ariel with How to Take the Overwhelm Out of Starting Your New B...

How to Take the Overwhelm Out of Starting Your New Business

Have you been thinking about starting a work from home business?

If so, what’s holding you back from taking the plunge into entrepreneurship?

For most new and aspiring business owners, feelings of overwhelm hit before they even take the first step into setting their business up.

After all, what even is the first step?

While the financial and time freedom rewards of home business ownership sound great, the gap between those and where you stand today can often feel too wide for you to ever bridge.

Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can implement when starting out that will keep you from feeling too overwhelmed to move forward.

Start With and Stick With a Proven Model

One mistake people often make when starting out is thinking they have to come up with something totally unique to sell in their business, and new and exciting ways to get people to buy it.

In reality, the opposite is true.

While it seems like having no competition would be a good thing, truth is the only way to have no competition in your new business is to sell something nobody wants.

For obvious reasons, that’s not a very good plan.

Yes, you will have competition, but when you go into business with a product or service that’s in demand, and choose methods to market your business that are proven to work, just know that you have a winning combination.

You don’t need all the customers, and the demand is certainly enough to allow for one more business, especially because you’ll be doing things right.

At Kids Party Characters, we have a proven model that has brought owner Cheryl Jacobs great financial success.

Kids love having their favorite characters show up at their party.  And Kids Party Characters has the widest selection of characters to choose from, and puts on the best show you’ll find in the children’s entertainment business.

With experience, Cheryl’s learned the best ways to market the business, which is made even easier by the number of repeat customers we have and the high referral rate.

Recognizing what a great opportunity this is for new business owners, Cheryl decided to offer memberships to

Membership allows you access to everything we already have at Kids Party Characters, as well as business training, and an exclusive territory in which to book your own parties.

If this sounds like it might be the kind of proven model you’re looking for to confidently get your new business started, set up a call with Cheryl here and she’ll answer your questions and walk you through whether this is your perfect starting point.

Take it One Customer at a Time

Of course the lifeline of your business is customers. It makes sense when you’re in the planning stage to worry about, "How will I get customers?"

Strangely, just as big of a worry can be, how will I handle all the customers I can potentially get?

You are, after all, just one person working from home.

The key here is to just focus on getting and serving  one customer at a time.

No, one customer isn’t enough to sustain your business, and no, you can’t handle all the customers you’ll eventually need by yourself.

But if you’ll focus just on bringing one person through your virtual door you can avoid the overwhelm that comes with, how will I find all the customers I need, and how will I serve them when I do find them?

You may not make $10,000 your first month, but even the businesses that are now making $10,000 a day started with just getting one customer.

And when things do get bigger than you can handle by yourself, you can learn about outsourcing and hiring virtual staff. But you don’t need to cross that bridge today.

Implement One Marketing Strategy

Another thing that can feel pretty daunting for new business owners is having the time to market your business the right way.

As you start studying marketing, you’ll learn about social media marketing, email marketing, direct mail marketing, paid advertising, funnel building . . . and all sorts of things that may sound like a foreign language to you.

And undoubtedly, there will be people telling you how you must implement certain types of marketing to make your business successful.

But the fact is, you can’t — and fortunately don’t need to — implement all of these strategies from day one, or ever.

How do you decide which strategies you’ll use to market your business?

First, choose one strategy that’s been used successfully by others in your market and start there. Just one.

And yes, you’ll be feeling like you’re not doing enough, but you are, and you can always add more when you get the one mastered and running without a lot of effort.

Second, make sure the strategy you start with is one you enjoy. 

Since you’ll have several to choose from, pick one you know you can do and actually enjoy doing. If you go into it trying to use a method you hate, you’ll have a hard time being consistent or good at it.

Learn the Value of Imperfect Action

When you start your new business, just like when you start anything new, there’s a lot you don’t know how to do, or at least don’t know how to do well.

And you’ll worry about getting things just right because of a fear that you’ll fail if everything isn’t perfect.

Trying to get something perfect that you’re still learning and that in reality no one gets perfect, will overwhelm you into paralysis. 

New businesses fizzle out or never get started every day because the would-be entrepreneur is too afraid to take steps forward that aren’t perfect.

A character trait that every successful business owner shares is a willingness to take imperfect action. To put your best effort out there and either learn from failing or just keep improving on what you perceive as not good enough.

Live by the motto that “done is better than perfect” and you’ll take a lot of pressure off yourself, as well as make a lot more progress in your business.

Be Careful Who You Listen To

One of the most common causes of overwhelm for new business owners is the amount of competing advice you get when starting your business.

You think you’re doing the right thing by doing lots of research, maybe even buying lots of courses on how to run a successful business from home.

And while learning how to be successful is much better than just going in blind and hoping for the best, there’s so much advice available from so many different successful business owners — and those who claim to be successful but really just want to sell you something — that it often keeps you from progressing.

Today you’ll take two steps down path A, learn something different tomorrow and take three steps down path B, and eventually find you’ve started down 10 paths but haven’t gotten anywhere.

When finding a business mentor the number one thing to look for is someone you can relate to, someone who’s walked in your shoes, and who you can see yourself being like in the future.

Instead of trying to combine and choose from different advice from a countless number of teachers out there who are vying for your attention, pick one primary mentor, and take your advice from her. Then if you need to know something that goes beyond her expertise, she can refer you to a trusted source based on her experience.

If you’re a stay at home mom looking for a work at home opportunity, Kids Party Characters owner Cheryl Jacobs may be the perfect mentor for you.

Cheryl was once a young, single mom who desperately needed a way to provide for her family. Since those lean times, she started 10 businesses and successfully runs three businesses today.

Cheryl has a passion for mentoring other moms, which prompted her to start the membership program with

If you think Cheryl may be the mentor you need to help cut out your overwhelm and fast track your business to success, schedule a free, no pressure call with her right here and get that dream business going today.

Also be sure to connect with on Facebook where you’ll learn more about the wonderfully satisfying business of bringing magic to children’s parties, as well as get updates on how to be successful in your own work from home business.

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