Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How to Make Your New Business Successful Through Referrals

One of the biggest fears people have in starting a new business is that they won’t know how to get customers.

This is obviously a legitimate fear since without customers, you have no business!

And even though most of us are very passionate about our business and the product or service it provides, that doesn’t mean we like selling.

In fact, most people hate to sell, and it either keeps them from starting a business, or keeps the business they have from being as successful as it could be.

While there are a plethora of ways to generate new clients for your business, the easiest way, and one that requires no selling, is through referrals.

Why do referrals result in new clients almost effortlessly?

Because 92% of people make buying decisions based on advice from their friends and family.

Obviously then, if you can get people to refer you, your business just got a whole lot easier, and more profitable.

Without further delay then, let’s look at five ways you can get more referrals in your business.

1. Be Awesome 

The most effortless, and effective, way to get referrals is to provide an experience with your product or service that’s so great it gets people talking.

So basically, do your job and do it well, and you’ll be on the tip of your current client’s tongue when someone she knows needs what you offer.

Even better than this, do something that makes your customer share her experience with others even when they don’t ask.

Fact is, people are much more likely to call up their friends and talk about bad experiences they’ve had with a business than they are to talk about the good ones.

This makes some sense, after all, we do expect to get good service when we pay for something.

But if you’ll go beyond what the customer expects, and what others in your market provide, this will give your customer a reason to mention the extraordinary experience, and it will stick in the minds of those she shares it with.

Brainstorm some kind of unadvertised bonus you could offer that would leave your client saying this: “I hired her to do X, but she also gave me Y and Z, which was so helpful.”

2. Offer Incentives

You can have a standing offer that you mention to all customers, such as, “I offer a $10 Amazon gift card when you refer someone to me, so please be sure to tell your friends to mention your name when they contact me.”

You can also hand out discount cards that you make available only to past customers. The cards give the new customer a discount on your service and have a place for the past customer’s name so you’ll know where the referral came from.

For example, you hand or send your customer 3-4 cards after they’ve purchased from you and say, “Here are some coupons that provide your friends a 10% discount for giving me a try. Write your name in the space on the card and I’ll give you 20% off your next purchase for any referrals you send me.”

You can also offer something like a gift card here if the chances of them purchasing again from you in the near future aren’t big enough to offer a lot of motivation.

3. Social Media

Invite your customers to connect with you on social media. Some will do it naturally, but you’ll get a much bigger following if you ask people to join you there.

Make sure links to your social media sites are prominently displayed on your website, in your emails, on your printed materials, however you are connecting with your customers.

If your customers are seeing your business and your offers on social media, they can really effortlessly share them with friends, since everyone’s connected with everyone on at least one social media platform.

Occasionally, but not always, within your posts you can ask your connections to share with their friends and family who might need you.

You can even combine this with the last strategy and offer an incentive to share by providing a reward if it results in new business for you.

4. Keep In Touch

Staying at the top of your customer’s mind is important. If they can’t remember your name or how to find you, they’re much less likely to refer you to people!

When you’re talking on the phone to a friend and she asks if you know a good plumber, and you respond, “I had this great one last year but I can’t remember his name, let me see if I can find it for you,” the chances of that plumber ever getting the referral are slim.

People are busy and they don’t have time to wade back through their emails or papers looking for a receipt with your name and contact information on it.

The best way for you to keep in touch with past customers is to put them on an email list. 

You can then send them a weekly newsletter, periodic business updates, and notices about specials, sales, and new products.

For details on how to get this up and running, check out our blog post: This Tool Can Make Your Online Business Easy.

Even if your customers don’t read every email you send them (they probably won’t), they will remember your name and be able to quickly pull you up with a search of their email inbox.

5. Testimonials

A great way to get indirect referrals from people who might not otherwise have a lot of occasions to recommend you is through getting client testimonials.

A testimonial from a client is like a referral to the world.

After you’ve provided your product or service and have created yet another happy customer, ask her if she’d be willing to share a few words about how she liked working with you.

Tell her you’ll use it to help others evaluate whether to work with you.

A long-time or super-engaged client may even be willing to provide a video testimonial.

Whatever form it’s in, you can use testimonials everywhere — in all of your marketing materials, your emails, on social media, and when prospective clients ask if you have any references.

Although it’s not as powerful as a personal recommendation from someone you know, new clients are reassured when they hear stories from others who have had great experiences working with you.

Have a Referral-Friendly Business

Some businesses simply lend themselves to referrals more than others.

One of the many advantages of a Kids Party Characters business is that referrals happen automatically. 

Depending on the child’s age, many parents are in attendance at the party and see that Kids Party Characters provides just the experience their child would want on his birthday.

At the very least, they’re picking up their child from the party and will hear his excited chatter all the way home.

One of the unique things we do at is to provide each child with a treat bag containing our business card, meaning your new client doesn’t even have to call the party host for the referral.

In addition, repeat business is common in your business, and there’s no easier sale than having a satisfied customer return to you year after year.

If you’re a busy mom who’d love to start a business, or an entrepreneur looking for a second income stream, a membership may be the perfect opportunity for you.

With membership you get an exclusive territory in which to book parties, access to our collection of over 200 costumes, connection with our casting director and acting coach, and ongoing training and mentoring with Kids Party Characters owner Cheryl Jacobs.

Want to learn more? Or maybe you’re ready to get started today?

Schedule a friendly, no-pressure chat with Cheryl right here and she’ll answer all your questions and help you decide if Kids Party Characters is the right opportunity for your life.

Be sure to connect with us on Facebook for daily updates on how fun and rewarding a business can be.

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