Wednesday, May 2, 2018

This Tool Can Make Your Online Business Easy

Let’s say a genie appeared before you and granted your business one wish. What’s the one thing you’d ask her to give your business?

Whether you’re just in the planning stages, have a new business, or are somewhat established, chances are your wish would be to have more customers.

Without customers, you can have the best, most helpful and innovative product on the planet and it simply doesn’t matter. The person with the inferior product who has customers will outdo you in every way all day long.

The question of, “Where will I find enough customers?” holds people back from turning their great ideas into profitable businesses. 

Your Best Source for Customers

Who wants to spend your days trying to hustle new customers? No one. 

What you really want to be doing is serving those customers through the business you love.

Your fears around having enough customers to sustain your business will vanish when you discover that your best source for customers is actually your existing prospects and customers.

They will be the lifeline of your business through providing you referrals and through giving you their repeat business. It is much, much easier to sell something to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new customer. 

And the tool that makes it possible for you to easily get referrals and repeat customers in your online business is called an autoresponder.

How Your Autoresponder Works

Back in the day, to keep in contact with your potential or existing customers, you had to call them on the phone or send them something through the mail. These methods of communication are great, but the phone is time consuming and mail is expensive.

The world changed when everyone got email, making communication quick and inexpensive. 

But still, as your customer base grew, keeping up with each of them by email became almost impossible. 

Enter the autoresponder. Your autoresponder is a place where you keep the email addresses of all of your customers. 

When you want to send an email, you write it, push send, and it’s delivered to every customer email address you have.

What’s even better is that you can put your email addresses in separate groups so that you’re sending each person only those emails relevant to him.

You may have one group of email addresses of people who are prospects, who have expressed interest in your product or service but haven’t purchased yet. You may have different groups depending on which product the person has purchased from you.

There is no limit. You set up the groups how you like, and include people in more than one group if it’s relevant.

Now you can communicate with hundreds or even thousands of people by drafting one email and clicking send.

How This Tool Can Make Your Kids Party Characters Business Easy

As you’ve probably heard, here at, owner Cheryl Jacobs has decided to make a limited number of memberships available, meaning you can own your very own business.

Combining your autoresponder (which you can get for free in the beginning) with your Kids Party Character business can take all the worry and most of the effort out of getting customers.

Let’s talk about how to use email when you’re a business owner.

One of the most important things about being a business owner is staying at the top of your customer’s mind. When someone thinks “party” your name should immediately pop into their mind as the go-to source for kids party planning.

By consistently sending simple emails to your customers, and anyone else who’s expressed interest in booking a party with you, you will be at the top of their mind. 

Which means not only will they look to you for their party planning needs, but they’ll also refer you to friends, which is one of the best sources of customers for your business.

If they’ve booked a party with you before, they’ll be left with great memories that will make them think of you anyway. But staying connected with your customers through email will make them even more likely to come back to you, and will eliminate any chance of them not remembering your name or how to find you.

What’s even better is you can take it a step further and sell other things to your customers if you want.

Remember how we talked about it being easier to sell to an existing customer than to obtain a new customer? 

The people you’ve done parties for obviously have kids, and they likely spend lots of money on those kids. 

You can become what’s known as an affiliate for other products and services that they are already interested in and are buying, and offer those products and services to them in your emails. 

When they purchase through the link in the email you sent them, you receive a commission for that sale.

This is a great way for you to make more money, and a great service to your customer, who is going to trust your recommendations since they already know you to be a reputable business owner.

If you’ve been hesitating to check out the membership opportunity here at because you’re not sure you can make your own business work, thinking about how you can use an email autoresponder in your business should put you at ease.

And one of the great things about having a business is that we do give you full training and support on how to make your business successful. Cheryl has turned her business into six figures, and she can help you get there too.

Set up a friendly chat with Cheryl right here and she’ll walk you through exactly what having your own business is like and answer any questions you have. 

With a membership you get full access to our 200+ costumes, as well as our casting director and acting coach. Add in the business support Cheryl and the team provides and it’s hard to think of how it could be any easier to get started in your own business today.

Also be sure to connect with us on Facebook to see exactly how much fun it is to have a business.

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