Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Help Your Child Create their Own Unique and Lovable Characters

There's a reason we have over 200 characters to choose from at Kids Party Characters. Kids love characters!

As a parent, you're likely well-aware of the crazy devotion a child can have to his favorite characters. But why is the attraction so strong? And how can you use this fact to help nurture your child's creativity and play?

Characters Live in Your Child's Favorite Place

A kid's favorite place is her imagination, and that's where all characters live. They have beautiful clothing and costumes, possess magical powers, and come from enchanted lands. There are no limits on what a character can be, do, or have, other than the limits of a child's imagination.

Even as children get older, and start to understand the difference between reality and imagination, they still enjoy playing and believing in the land of imagination.

There are thousands of characters out there, and most of them have some superpower, costume, and/or life that your child relates to and dreams of sharing. The creators of these characters do their part to make this happen, providing costumes in all sizes that allow your little one to literally become the character he looks up to the most.

How to Use Your Child's Love of Characters as a Learning Tool

Your child's first teacher is play. While many parents like to focus on teaching their kids the ABCs and 123s as early as possible, studies show that younger children learn the most through play. And as they get older, a child's favorite way to learn remains through play.

So why not use your child's love of characters to "teach" them valuable lessons in creativity that will serve them for a lifetime in all areas of learning? You can do this by helping them create their own characters based on those they already know and love.

Chances are, even if your child has a favorite character, there are dozens (at least!) that he admires and wants to be like in some way. When playing with your child, talk to him about what he likes about the different characters, their dress, their actions, their powers or manners. Help him combine these traits into characters of his own.

Choose a special chest or crate at home to be your character box and set about filling it with things your child can use to play dress up as the characters he creates. Make this a fun and ongoing activity, collecting items from your favorite thrift stores and second hand shops, and repurposing items that you might otherwise throw or give away.

And if you aren't familiar with thrift shopping, this will open up a whole new world of fun for you and your children. For $5 you can add some amazing pieces to your child's character box that will provide hours of creative fun.

We live in a world increasingly focused on screens that isolate our kids from us and from their creativity. Helping your child create her own unique and lovable characters based on her interests will guarantee that you always have a fun activity that you can participate in with your child. (Yes, you can dress up too!)

And, it can be an honest and effective way to bribe and reward your child for their patience if you have a day full of adulting to do. The promise of a trip to the thrift store to add to your child's character collection at the end of a long day can do wonders for her attitude at the grocery store!

When it's time to party, head on over to kidspartycharacters.com and let your child pick out her favorite characters to come to her party. Our characters are trained actors and come with handmade costumes that will "wow" your child.

For added fun, you can even pull out your costume box and have your party guests dress up alongside our characters.  At kidspartycharacters.com, we're committed to bringing your child a party that she and her guests will talk about for years. We have packages to meet all your party needs. Contact us today and we'll help you get started making that perfect party plan.

Want some inspiration? Check out our Facebook page at Facebook.com/kidspartycharactersny

Bringing Children's Imagination to Life!

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