Monday, March 12, 2018

The Power of Implementation by Kids Party Characters

Like many of us we set goals after attending motivational events or set New Years resolutions only for them to fall wayside after a few weeks. At least 50% never achieve their goals.

Letting distractions into your life like TV, surfing the web or caught up in deep diving into social media often lets our goals drift to the wayside. Stay focused n whats important. Life happens in a blink of an eye. Eliminate distractions that waste your time.

When opportunity exists grab it with both hands & don't let go. There may not be that opportunity again.

Be patient. Don't choose short term gratification over long term benefits. Getting to know all the ins & outs of any type of relationship is more beneficial in the long run.

Now you've got your goals in motion but you can't get derailed. The internet or social media is 1 of the biggest distractions of achieving your goals.

Old habits are hard to break. Create new positive 1's consciously sticking to it.
Stay away from negative thoughts. Positive thoughts equals positive results. 

Check your ego at the door. Eliminate things that cause you stress or nervousness. When you train your thoughts on the positive theres will feel that energy & you will attract positive.

To succeed reframe your goals & stick to it. Create a plan that works for you.
If you want to workout more create a plan to workout Mon-Wed-Fri, set your alarm & just do it.

If you want to control your anger when you feel those thoughts coming on take 3 deep breaths & regroup.

If you want to drink less coffee when you feel the urge drink a large glass of water instead.

Make your goals clear & strong. Vagueness helps no one.

Eliminate obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals. Be very aware of the obstacles that take you away from your path. Make it a habit of how you react when distractions occur. 

When you clear your mind & stay focused on what's really important only then will you achieve your goals.

Let me help you achieve your goals by owning your own 6-figure home based Children's Entertainment company which you can run from the comfort of your own home.

Visit & click on Members to learn more.

Have a beautiful Day

Miss Cheryl Jacobs

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