Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5 Reasons Kids Party Characters is the Perfect Business

If you don’t have your own business yet, or maybe you’re one who would say, “I’ve tried a few things and they didn’t work for me,” listen up.

You’ve likely heard a lot about how hard it is to be an entrepreneur. 

How you have to be able to endure failure, wait for years for the real pay off to happen, and learn to navigate the complicated technical aspects of running your business online.

There is some truth to these things, hence the saying, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.”

But in reality, not everyone is interested in having their own business, which is great. 

There are a lot of advantages and ease about working for someone else. And if everyone was an entrepreneur, how would we all staff our businesses?

If you’re reading this, having a job outside your home doesn’t work for you for some reason. 

Either you’re a stay at home mom who needs the flexibility a job can never offer, and/or you just have an entrepreneur’s heart and are never truly happy working for someone else.

Unless you’re brand new to, you likely know that owner Cheryl Jacobs is offering memberships to her business that allow you to have your own Kids Party Characters business. 

Today we’re going to talk in more detail about why the opportunity Cheryl has set up here is so unique and ideal for stay at home moms and entrepreneurs looking to add an income stream.

Most business opportunities come about from the creator’s desire to make more money.

But with Cheryl, it’s different. She understands your pain, she’s been there.

Cheryl was once a young mom with two small children and in dire need of a way to support them. 

Having worked her way into a successful business, the opportunity she’s created here for you comes from her desire to give back, to see that others can also have a life they now only dream of.

So if you have any interest in having your own business, here are five important advantages that offers.

We Have a Proven Model

A common fatal mistake for new business owners is they try to be different. 

They think if they can tap into a new market that no one else is selling to, they can capture the entire market and find fast riches. This is a bad idea unless you have a lot of money to lose.

Fact is, there are a number of proven markets out there. Health and wellness, how to make make money, fitness, kids and parenting, personal development, and green living are just a few.

Many people make the mistake of thinking these markets are too overcrowded and too competitive.

These are all billion dollar industries, which means there’s a share waiting for you.

Kids Party Characters is not only a part of the proven market of kids and parenting, but we also have a simple business model that’s proven to work.

How do we know it works? 

Well in theory, thousands of people have built six figure businesses and beyond using the very same model Kids Party Characters does to market and run our business.

But, even better than that, we know it works because you’re getting the exact same thing Cheryl has used to build her Kids Party Characters business to six figures.

There’s no more trying it to “see if it works for you.” It works. 

We Offer a Unique Solution

Even though the kids and parenting market is wide open and the options for how to make money in this space are truly limitless, it can be hard and time consuming to get people to notice you when you’re just starting out.

There is a lot of competition out there, and figuring out how to set yourself apart from the rest requires some business knowledge and experience.

Your business naturally stands out in the crowd because our business is so unique.

We have over 200 hand sewn costumes that includes about every character imaginable.

We don’t pay high school kids to dress up and come stand in the corner at children’s parties. We have a casting director and an acting coach. Your character puts on a show for you and is the life of your party when you book through us.

We also provide all the extras like cotton candy, vending machines, face painting, and balloon twisting. 

And when you start your Kids Party Characters business, you have all this too. 

There’s no pulling out your sewing machine and starting your own costume collection or trying to get access to quality actors to set yourself apart from other companies. 

What’s ours is yours and it’s all included in your membership.

We Offer a “Business in a Box”

If you’re a mom, you’ve probably resorted to making brownies from the box the night before your child’s school function. 

You know, the ones where you only have to add three simple ingredients rather than the 12 listed in the recipe you were aiming to make earlier in the week.

We go with the box because it’s easier, and doesn’t take as much time. (And really, no one knows the difference!)

Same goes for your Kids Party Characters business. 

It’s easier and doesn’t take as much time as starting your business from scratch. And the only missing ingredient is you!

A membership at truly gives you everything you need to be successful. This includes business training so you’ll know exactly how to quickly profit in your business.

We Excel in One of the Top Rules of Selling

If you really want to maximize your income potential, you’ll keep this important business rule top of mind: It’s easier to sell to an existing customer than to find a new customer.

Your business is a dream come true when it comes to this rule.

First, repeat business is a common thing once people see how unique and fun our parties are.

In addition, we have a huge referral business based on word of mouth, and the fact that each party guest goes home with a treat bag that contains your business card.

And it’s almost inevitable that many of those guests will be saying to mom, “I want a party just like Johnny had!” 

Finally, you can put all of your customers on an email list, which allows you to stay in touch with them.

Then you can become an affiliate for other products that parents would love and want to know about, and when you email your customers about those products and they purchase them, you get a commission.

Of course this is optional, but is just as example of the unlimited potential in your business.

We Focus on the One Essential Thing Most People Overlook

Entrepreneurship can be so lonely. 

There’s no paid company trainings, or corporate retreats to the Bahamas.

Most people try to figure their business out on their own, by reading things on the internet and/or buying courses with fancy titles like “How to Make $10K Online in 30 Days.”

This results in months or years of struggle and money down the drain, until the lonely entrepreneur finally gives up, or lucks upon the right mentor.

At, Cheryl knows that having the right mentor is a crucial first step in your business, not a last resort.

That’s why membership includes a six module business training course put together by Cheryl herself, based on what’s made her successful in three different businesses.

You’ll also get ongoing support by Cheryl and the Kids Party Characters team. And remember, Cheryl was likely very much like you at one time in your life. She has a soft spot in her heart for you, is dedicated to your success, and knows how to get you there.

 Book Your Call Now

Are you even just a little bit excited about what a business could do for your life and what a difference it could make to your family?

Book a high-value, no-pressure chat with Cheryl right here and she’ll answer all your questions and help you figure out if this is the right opportunity for your life.

To see more about how fun and rewarding a Kids Party Characters business is, join us on Facebook for daily updates.

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