Thursday, May 3, 2018

Classic Outdoor Games for Summer Fun

Summer break is quickly approaching, which may leave you with mixed feelings as a parent. 

A break from the daily grind of school is great for everyone, but both you and your kids are used to them being occupied (by someone other than you!) for seven hours each day.

Now it’s up to you. And the whining about limits on electronic devices and cries of “I’m bored” are almost inevitable.

Your kids will find it hard to believe, but not that long ago, kids went outside in the morning and played until they were called in for dinner in the evening. And there was not a single electronic device to be found.

What did those children of prehistoric times do all day?

Here’s a collection of some of the most popular outdoor games for kids. Next time your child starts with “I’m bored,” or “there’s nothing to do outside,” this list will arm you with options.

1. Kick the Can

Pick one person to be “it,” or more than one if you have a big group. Place a can in the middle of your playing field. 

Everyone else goes off to hide, while “it” closes her eyes and counts to 20 (or whatever number).

“It” then sets out to find everyone, and sends captured players to a specific holding area.

If a non-captured player can get to the can and kick it, all captured players are free and hide again.

The game continues until all players are captured.

2. Capture the Flag

This is a fun game for the whole neighborhood to join in, and kids from a wide range of ages can be included in the same game.

Divide into two groups and place a flag or other marker for your team’s home base.

Each team tries to run into the other team’s territory, capture their flag, and return it safely back to their own territory.

To protect your flag, you can tag opposing players while they’re in your territory, thus sending them to jail. They can be sprung from jail if a teammate tags them and then runs safely back to her own territory. Only one person at a time can be freed from jail.

3. Freeze Tag

This classic is simple, yet very popular with kids.

It’s played like traditional tag, but if you are tagged you must freeze where you are. Another player can then unfreeze you by tagging you.

4. Flashlight Tag

A popular night time version of tag is flashlight tag. Everyone hides as if playing hide and go seek.

“It” searches for players using a flashlight. To catch a player, “it” must get close enough to be able to call out the player’s name.

The first person to be caught either becomes “it,” or goes to jail while everyone else is caught.

If you have a big enough crowd, two people can be “it” and one can guard the jail. Jailed players can be freed by other players tagging them.

5. Red Light, Green Light

Choose one person to be the traffic light. He stands at one end of the playing area, and the players line up at the other.

The light faces the group and says, “red light,” meaning everyone must freeze. 

He then turns his back to the players and says, “green light,” and the players try to get as close to the light as possible.

The light then quickly turns around again to face the players and says, “red light.” Any player caught moving has to go back to the starting line. 

The first player to reach the light, then gets to become the light for the next round.

6. Spud

Each player is given a number and gathers around the person who is “it.” 

“It” tosses the ball up into the air and the other players run away. “It” calls out a number and the player with that number must run back and catch the ball. 

Once the player has the ball, he yells “Spud,” meaning everyone must freeze. The person with the ball then tries to hit another player with the ball. If he succeeds, that player gets a letter (S-P-U-D) and is now “it.” 

If the player throwing the ball misses, he is “it” for the next round.  

7. Telephone

In this classic game everyone sits in a circle. One player begins by whispering a sentence to the person next to her. This continues around the circle when the last person says out loud what was whispered in her ear.

The player who originated the sentence then reveals what she actually said. Almost every time, this will cause a good laugh, as it doesn’t even resemble the sentence the last player revealed.

8. Duck, Duck, Goose

All players sit in a circle except for the person who’s “it.” “It” walks around the circle tapping each player on the head while saying “duck.”

Randomly, “it” will decide to say “goose” while tapping another player’s head. When this happens, the player who hears “goose” must get up and chase “it” around the circle, trying to catch him before he’s able to sit down in the goosed player’s seat.

If “it” successfully reaches the tagged player’s seat, that player becomes “it” for the next round.

9. Single and Two Player Games

While these classic games we’ve talked about so far are generally more fun with three or more players, there are also an endless number of games that can be played alone or with one friend. 

Marbles, jacks, jump rope, hopscotch, and hand clapping games are a few of the most popular. It’s a good idea to stack up on the supplies needed for these simple games before summer begins.

Don’t forget the simple things, they are often the most fun. Fly a kite, swing at the park, take a walk, roll down a hill, blow bubbles, play in the hose. Ask your children to just give these things a try and you may not see them for the rest of the day!

And of course, when you’re wanting big fun, give us a call at We can bring your child’s summer birthday party to life. 

And, with over 200 characters to choose from, we aren’t just for birthdays. There’s never a bad time for a party, and any reason to gather friends and celebrate is a good one!

Check out some of the magical and memorable parties we’ve put on by joining us on Facebook.

Then visit us at to view all of our characters and choose your party package, which could include face painting, balloon artists, cotton candy, vending machines, and more. 

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