Tuesday, May 29, 2018

One of the Most Powerful and Important Words Your Business Needs

When your business is new, or not yet making a consistent income, it’s common to have thoughts like, “I’d do anything for more customers.”

While this willingness to work hard and openness to exploring less than desirable ways to grow your business is admirable, it can also be deadly and counterproductive to your business.

It’s true that you won’t be able to be as picky about who you take money from and provide service to in the beginning as you will once you have more customers than you can handle.

But, it’s super important for the longevity of your business, and for your sanity, that you learn this simple word early on: No.

Technically, it’s easy to say “no.” As a parent, it’s almost an automatic response that comes out of your mouth as soon your child opens her mouth some days!

But as a new business owner, you can find it almost impossible to say “no” when faced with any opportunity that might make you more money.

 Today we’re going to uncover the formula for always knowing when “no” is the right answer, and look at some of the common situations where business owners often say “yes” when they should be saying “no.”

How to Always Know Your No

In the simplest way, it comes down to this: When you’re clear on your “yes,” it becomes easy to say “no.”

What exactly does that mean?

It means that when you know what you want, and have crystallized what your goals, values, and morals are personally and for your business, knowing when to say “no” becomes much easier,

Which means “no” will come out of your mouth quicker and with much greater confidence.

The best way to always know your “no,” is to develop a mission statement for your business.

Initially this may feel a little weird, you’re just one person, trying to build your dream business, not some big company with thousands of employees trying to change the world and needing to get everyone on the same page to do it.

But unlike many big companies, who have mission statements for the benefit of their customers, your mission statement is really more for you right now.

It’s to keep you on track and headed in the right direction so that your business does grow into what your dream is, and doesn’t get derailed into either a job you hate, or a hobby that costs instead of makes you money.

Your mission statement should include a summary of the value your business provides, and the core values you abide by to deliver that value while still operating as a business and not a charity.

If you need help getting started, check out these 27 examples of big brand mission statements. 

Just remember in looking at some of these examples, that while the goal of the big brand may be to come up with a flashy one-liner that sounds good to customers, your goal for now anyway is clarity, which is going to require more than a sentence.

When your mission statement is complete, you should be able to read it in any situation you’re faced with and know exactly whether your response is a “yes” or a “no.”

Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

There are a few things most everyone gets wrong when they’re starting out. 

These are tempting “yeses” that should always be a definitive “no.”

Can I Get a Discount?

This is an especially big problem if marketing your product or service requires you to get on the phone with the potential client before the sale is complete.

But even if you have a product or service with a “buy now” button right there on your sales page, you’ll still get people emailing you about getting a discount or coupon code.

And then there’s the ever popular, “Can I pay you after I make some money,” or see whatever positive result comes from your product.

Don’t be shamed into the common logic these freeloaders use of, “Well, if it works the way you say it does, you have nothing to worry about, you’ll get your money.”

Customers who want something for nothing or who are always gaming for a discount are never worth the ensuing hassle they’ll create.

Just say no.

Now if you want to offer some kind of a discount or freebie as a promotion or in an effort to get exposure or testimonials for your service, that’s another thing. 

Just make sure the discount is always your idea and on your terms.

For $1997 I Can Show You How to Get More Free Traffic Than You Can Handle

Unfortunately, new business owners are a dream for many an unscrupulous marketer out there. 

This is the “how to make money online” crowd, whose mission statement is to sell everyone as much information as they can regardless of whether it’s good information and regardless of whether you need it in your business right now.

Once you become a small business owner, you somehow become a magnet for these types.

The old adage of “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” applies here.

Ignore their sales pages, unfollow them on social media, and unsubscribe from their email lists.

When it comes to anyone who wants to sell you a magic button solution for growing your business bigger and faster, just say no.

I Will Make Sure No One Ever Buys From You Again

Refuse to engage with anyone who bullies or trolls you online. Ban them, block them, erase them from your life.

This may seem like an obvious point, but it can be difficult when you’re starting out because you tend to be a little desperate for customers and you are definitely concerned about establishing and maintaining a positive reputation.

If someone is publicly harassing you online, politely invite them to direct message or email you and see if you can resolve whatever the situation is.

If they continue, have no tolerance for their behavior and whatever you do, do not engage in public bickering with them.

Don’t worry about their crazy threats to expose you for the fraud you are or make sure no one ever buys from you again, the rest of the sane world sees what you’re going through and sympathizes with you, not the troll.

In some instances it will help here to have a clear and very public refund policy.

And don’t hesitate to use it. Disgruntled customers cost you way more money than they’ve ever paid you.

Also, don’t hesitate to go outside of your refund policy and refund someone even if they don’t ask when it’s clear that they’re more trouble than they’re worth.

Simply issue the refund and send them a kind note about how it’s not going to work out, but you wish them the best of luck.

Finally, be careful about who you take money from to begin with.

No matter how bad you think you need customers, if you have that bad feeling in your stomach about this one, send him on his way before he even has a chance to become a client.

Kids Party Characters is Here to Help

No one builds a successful business alone. 

As with most things in your business, it’s best to have a mentor who can help you make the right decisions - and avoid all the wrong ones - so you don’t have to waste hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on trying to figure out how to make your business work.

Yes, you can always read your mission statement and determine whether something’s a “yes” or a “no” for you based on that, even experienced business owners operate this way.

But what if you had someone with business experience and expertise who could guide you through the hard stuff and get you into profit sooner rather than later?

KidsPartyCharacters.com owner Cheryl Jacobs is a serial entrepreneur who runs three successful businesses and who has a passion for mentoring others looking for anything from extra spending money to a six figure business.

To help cut down your learning curve, Cheryl is offering memberships to KidsPartyCharacters.com.

With membership, you receive an exclusive territory in which to book parties, the right to use all of our 200+ costumes, access to our casting director and acting coach, and business training and support from Cheryl and the team at KidsPartyCharacters.com.

Book a friendly, no-obligation chat with Cheryl at KidsPartyCharacters.com and she’ll answer all your questions and help you figure out whether your own children’s entertainment business is the right opportunity for your life.

Want to learn more about how fun and rewarding a KidsPartyCharacters.com business is? Connect with us here on Facebook for daily updates.

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